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Wet X 10L

Concentrated all-purpose wetting agent and penetrant for promoting healthy grass and sport turfs.

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SKU: A85026

£32.80 £27.88 +VAT

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Product Description

  • Apply as a preventative for dry patch from spring through to autumn.
  • Use as a cure for hydrophobic soil.
  • Simple application.

Prevention – To prevent dry patch start to apply Wet X in spring when soil is still moist, apply at least monthly throughout summer.

Cure – Apply evenly every two – four weeks until dry patch is under control or spot treatment affected areas as required.

Recommended for use in sprayer. To ensure a consistent mix, add correct dosage of Wet X throughout filling process.

Standard does: 0.5 litre litre per 500m2 – 10 litre per hectare.